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namjoon softly tapped the cotton ball on the older's bottom lip, trying to clean it up without hurting him.

they were both in namjoon's room, yoongi sitting on the edge of the bed.

"it's like you wore lipstick, heh." he tried to lighten up the mood.

yoongi ignored.

the taller sighed softly, throwing away the cotton ball.

"i hope you're not giving me the silent treatment."

yoongi bit his bottom lip, the side that isn't ruined.
he isn't trying to, he's just thinking through.

why did he come to namjoon's place?
why did he call him instead of hoseok?

"do you want to wear one of my jackets?"

he shook his head.

namjoon sighed. "you're jacket's dirty, hyung. let me lend you one at least. please."

"i-i'm good."

"hyung." namjoon bent down to his level. "you're staying here tonight—during the whole weekend, okay? i want you to be in something clean."

the older gulped hard, slowly making eye contact with the boy.

he softly smiles at his hyung.

namjoon noticed that the one he gave away, is the one yoongi is wearing right now.
all dirty.

he has a hoodie he doesn't want anymore, he wants to give it to yoongi to begin with.

the taller got up and went to his closet, grabbing the one he wants to lend to him.

"here." he shows. "you can have this one."

he slowly grabbed the hoodie and looked at it.

" virgo "

namjoon's zodiac sign.

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