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"hoseok, i'm busy—oh."

namjoon smiled softly. "hi, hyung."

"you're back." yoongi closed his book. "do you feel better?"

"yeah." he rubbed the back of his neck. "that's probably why i've been moody lately."

he's barley moody.
he really thinks that he was being rude?

not even close.

"it's fine." yoongi mumbled, getting up from the desk. "you didn't piss me off."

"i understand but..i feel like i was being rude."

"you weren't. i need to put this book back. excuse me." yoongi walked past him and walked over to the book shelves.

"oh. okay." namjoon bit his bottom lip.

"damnit. it's the top shelf." yoongi whispered to himself.

he groaned in annoyance, crossing his arms.

"how am i going to put it back...?"

"i can help, hyung."

yoongi gulped, turning around to see namjoon.

he literally had to look up to see his face.

the boy had a soft smile across his face and yoongi couldn't help to look away.

namjoon softly grabbed the book and lifted it up to the shelf it's supposed to be at.

yoongi had nice view of namjoon's chest.

namjoon smiled at him. "there you go."

yoongi gulped. "th-thanks..."

he nodded, walking away.

what was that feeling?

yoongi rubbed the back of his neck.

why is his face heating up?

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