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Hello and welcome! 

This is a journal based on a true story. My story, to be more specific, as I live through the historical pandemic of COVID-19 that took place in 2020. I wrote a journal entry for every day, from the first day that COVID-19 affected my life. It includes my thoughts, feelings, and experience through the pandemic. 

As you can imagine, this journal will be opinionated. Please do not attack me for my personal feelings. I chose to share this with you, mostly in request from my readers, and you are welcome to leave the moment you feel to need to disagree or hate. I'd appreciate it. However, I would love to hear about your experience with COVID-19 as well, so feel free to comment throughout!

 Even though this is based on a true story, locations/full names/businesses of my personal life will be kept anonymous and discreetly identified for my safety (because this platform is a world-wide web). For example, I will only say, my home state, my workplace, my house and property, the hospital near me... etc. Please be respectful, I will not answer demands of my location. Just know I live within the United States of America. 

Please enjoy reading!

All Rights Reserved © 2020 Josie Marie 

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