Day Eighty-Seven

13 1 0

➛ June 5th, 2020

For once, I didn't wake up at 4am (rather 8am). Its probably because I have poor self control and I stayed up until 1am watching the final episodes for Avatar: The Last Airbender. Contrary to my beliefs, I was very satisfied with the ending. I just wish they had made a fourth book/season, to finish it off with the four elements. 

Anyway, it was very warm today. I worked on some more paperwork for college, they keep sending me things. In the afternoon, I went to work with my filly. She was very good for me and I trimmed her hooves with no problem. She's going to be a gorgeous mare. At night, I went barefoot in the garden while I was watering the plants. It was a lovely evening. I know that this weekend will be crazy at work but I am prepared to hold onto my peace. If I can just stop feeling and being bothered by rude customers, I will be fine. I'm really trying to reach a place of growth and strength. 

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