Day Four

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➛ March 15th, 2020

I started to experience a really sharp pain in my leg when I walked. I discovered it was incredibly painful to lift my leg to climb stairs and after some research on the internet, I found out that I had a pulled leg muscle. Somehow, while I was skiing, I must have caught it one of the few times I fell down. My Mom said I needed to rest it, so I sat down with my computer and wrote on two of my current books. 

I saw more news about all public schools in my state closing for fourteen days. They were advising that people stay home. Apparently, there were almost two hundred cases in my state already. Mostly in the southern counties. 

It felt surreal. I almost didn't believe it. When we had first heard about the coronavirus, it was in December, and the first outbreak happened in China. I mean, we all had our superstitions about that country anyway, they literally ate anything and everything. But then it spread to Italy and they took a horrible hit. 

Would that happen in my country? Were we going to experience hundreds of deaths? I couldn't stop myself from thinking about what could happen. At this point, anything felt possible. 

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