Day Sixty-Two

13 1 0

➛ May 11th, 2020

Surprise, I got called into work again. There have been so many call-offs. I don't really understand it. Everyone is complaining about money being tight, yet essential employees are passing up extra pay. People confuse me. Anyway, it was ridiculously busy. I don't get how its okay for all these people to be out and about. Most of them refuse to wear face masks now, too. I don't know anymore. 

My Grandma arrived around 7pm. She wasn't able to climb the stairs into the room we set up for her so my Dad and brothers had to carry her. I mean, it was kind of comical, but my mind is heavy with uncertainty. I don't want to dedicate all my free time outside of work to watching after her. Sure, I care about her, but again we never got along. Its like throwing a match in gasoline. One word and we'll likely go off on each other. God, please let me keep my mouth shut. I need to endure this, for the sake of my entire family. We're all under alot of stress. 

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