Day Twenty-Three

22 3 0

➛ April 2nd, 2020

I'm feeling alittle cagey, I'm not gonna lie. I'm just a bit tired of being home all the time. I've been in my house for three weeks now, I only leave for work on the weekend. There has been talk about the Government sending out stimulus checks. I was at first elated, I have to pay for a new windshield in my truck so I figured I could use the stimulus money. But, I found out that they made a loophole for college students, so I won't be getting that stimulus check. 

People are feeling alittle financially stressed. There was a shooting downstate already. They finally put Florida on lockdown but we'll see if people actually listen. Unemployment rates have hit a record of 6.6 million Americans. Soon, it feels like the Great Depression will repeat itself... maybe it would be the Greater Depression. 

Our population is significantly bigger than in the Great Depression Era, there is more stock market loss. I figure its only a matter of time before bankruptcy takes down hundreds of businesses. I'm not sure how everyone is going to make it until April 30th. But, will the virus even be over by then? I've heard scary predictions of how long this pandemic will last. Some say July, others are saying September. 

I can't believe it. Summer 2020 is pretty much cancelled, just like everything else. 

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