Day Twenty-One

29 3 0

➛ March 31st, 2020

There are twenty-six counties in my state with stay-at-home orders. It feels like its creeping in. There was a second confirmed case in the community only ten minutes away. I feel wary to leave my house. My brothers are talking about hauling extra feed for the animals before the entire state enters lockdown. 

Pretty much everyone is convinced it will happen. I hope it doesn't. The amount of panic it will draw out of people ... its just risky. I can see why the government would never tell the public about serious issues in the world, people can't even handle staying home right now. 

My family and I have been discussing a 'procedure' for when we come home from work. Most especially for me. The virus can live on surfaces for up to 14 days. When I get home from work, I have to strip out of my uniform and wash every inch of exposed skin. Only when I change into new clothes am I allowed to sit anywhere in the house. I guess its okay, its for our safety. 

Besides, I would never forgive myself if I brought the virus home. Especially to my Mom. 

She might not make it if she got it and that scares me. 

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