Day Fourteen

38 4 1

➛ March 25th, 2020 

I just can't believe the world is in the state that it is now. I've been texting with my friends and we're all just speechless. They say that COVID-19 continues to accelerate in the US. Almost one thousand people have died from the virus. There are videos on the internet of patients with the virus and they are miserable...they look like death. 

The Military and National Guard has begun to get involved with COVID-19 and they are setting up makeshift hospital tents outside of hospitals. They set are set up at hospitals near me and its freaky. It reminds me of The Walking Dead, when Rick Grimes just wakes up and he has no idea what is going on. Medical tents, bodies covered... I have to stop letting my mind wander. 

Speaking of which, they've cancelled the filming of major shows. The Batman was postponed, the next season of TWD, and other movies in the making. The only good news, I suppose, is that the House finally approved a stimulus package. A lot of people are unemployed right now because of this pandemic. I think we hit a record of unemployment. 

My brothers are convinced we'll hit another Great Depression. I surely hope not. I can't believe I'm living through a historical event right now. Will this be recorded in history books and taught to generations in the future? Now that's a thought. 

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