Day Sixty

13 1 0

➛ May 9th, 2020

I hate myself. In a less aggressive term, I'm irritated that I can't sleep at night. I am so worried that I'll sleep through my alarm for work, I just end up being awake all night. I don't mind getting up early in the morning, 6am tends to be my favorite time of day. But, my sleeplessness before work has been getting worse. I think it was last weekend I only got 3 hours of sleep. At this point, time and days are melted together in my mind. I literally don't know what day it is anymore. 

Anyway, I had to work on a sleepless night and it was miserable. I'm considering picking up some melatonin to help me sleep. I just need my thoughts to stop racing. A deep sleep. I don't know, I told my Mom about it and she says its just part of getting older. I think its stupid. I want to sleep when I need to and my body needs to stop being ridiculous. 

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