Day Twenty-Four

22 3 0

➛ April 3rd, 2020

I signed up for classes in the fall for college. I couldn't get ahold of my advisor so I contacted one of the ladies from my scholarship program, she is technically my advisor, too. Nonetheless, it kind of reminded me that life goes on. No matter what happens with COVID-19, unless the world combusts into flames, I have to keep living and planning. 

We've reached 1 million cases of COVID-19 worldwide. The Governor of my state is advising that everyone wear masks when they go out in public. Honestly, I can see people laughing right now. They don't care. But, I wonder when work will require face masks. It will be a miserable day when it happens. 

My parents are pretty upset about the acceptation for recreating to be essential. Its not that people will stay in their own side-by-side in the woods, they're going to party in the woods. I've seen it at work. A group of thirty people will show up for gas and they all enter the store in a group. No social distancing. Our neighbors, who own a summer property just off ours, came up from a highly infected area of the state. My Dad is pissed.

There have been 400 confirmed cases a day in my state, we're skyrocketing. 

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