Day Eighty-One

11 1 0

➛ May 30th, 2020

My coworkers informed me that the military has been called in to these violent riots. Supposedly, the riots are spreading from city to city. Its not just Minneapolis. I heard the worst of it is in San Jose, where people are breaking car windows and dragging people out of their cars on the freeway. Its scary to watch the news. Some of the footage is very disturbing and nine out of ten times, there is always someone with a major head injury. There is blood everywhere. 

Streets are absolute chaos in the cities. Fires are out of control and masses of people continue to wreck havoc. Walls have graffiti covering every inch of them and only a few are understandable. Mostly its curse words. But, its not just the people being violent, some law enforcement has engaged in the violence. I saw a video of a police officer shoving a woman down. There was an image of a police horse that had a major face injury after someone threw a brick at it. 

I was also informed by my coworkers that cities are going into lockdown. The White House is completely shutdown. Even some of the smaller cities within an hour-drive from me are getting shutdown. These violent riots are out of control and I don't understand why. I am in full support of #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd but I don't understand how what people are doing now is even supporting that. I feel like there is alot of pent up anger in people and it was just a little spark of racism that set the world on fire. This country is going to burn to the ground.  

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