Day Forty-Three

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➛ April 22nd, 2020

I've been talking to my coworkers and they say that wearing masks at work is pretty miserable. I have yet to find out because I'm only a weekend girl during college. I went to the post office because I didn't want my mom going. She has a weakened immune system and I'm not taking risks. 

I overheard numerous conversations about the whole thing with masks. Some people don't think its protecting us at all. Others are deadset on wearing them. But, its been confirmed that gloves and masks have become the biggest ocean pollution on the planet now. If anything is killing this earth, its humans. It reminds me of that one movie where the plants release a toxin that makes people kill themselves. I'm making alot of movie references, I know. 

Anyway, I'm done with four of my classes now. I'm almost done with my first year. Honestly, I can't believe I made it. I always thought I would be the family disappointment. I wasn't even sure college was for me. But, here I am.

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