Day Eighty-Eight

10 1 0

➛ June 6th, 2020

I was on register all day at work. It is one of my least liked stations are my job. It sucks! I don't really know how to feel about people anymore. You be nice, ask them how they are doing and smile...but they just act like assholes anyway. Still, I kept doing it. I guess I'm alittle fake in that sense but, I'm getting paid to be fake. That makes like zero sense. 

Moving on, when I got home my Dad wanted to work on building our cattle chutes. I'm just not up for it after a day of being treated like dirt but as always, I'm not allowed to have a voice about it. Everyone keeps telling me to stand up to my Dad. They don't realize that I can't or I'll end up homeless. He holds ultimate power over my life. I can't change that until I have a decent salary. I can't wait to purchase a place of my own. I've been browsing houses for sale lately. 

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