Day Sixteen

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➛ March 27th, 2020 

I was a little pressured to complete work for my online classes. I had to hand build a mug for my ceramics class. Everything was such a major adjustment, my head was literally spinning all day. I was anxious about going back to work tomorrow. My parents constantly asked if there was any way I could call off without getting the points but there wasn't. 

I have to go back to work or risk losing my job. I'm not sure which is worse. My job deals with the general public. What if I came in contact with someone positive? What if I got it and brought it home to my family? 

Better yet, people are taking social distancing as a joke. They refuse to stay home. There are huge parties happening because people my age don't listen to anyone. My Mom says the stores are packed. She's been making "supply runs" because my parents are worried they'll shut our entire state down soon. 

Everyday, its getting scarier. But, I think people are making it worse by not listening. If they don't stop, we could be facing worse things. I'm just going to keep hiding under my blanket at home and hope it passes over soon. At least I'm safe when I'm home. Or am I? 

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