Day Sixty-Eight

11 1 0

➛ May 17th, 2020

I haven't been sleeping very well. I'm either awake, staring at the ceiling or my thoughts are racing and I'm in a half-sleep state. Its not restful and I'm getting wore down. I think I slept maybe four hours last night, I constantly fear sleeping through my alarm. Melatonin isn't helping me anymore. At this point, I don't know what to do for myself. 

Naturally, work was busy once again. I was on register for a little while in the morning, my least liked station, and almost half of the customers weren't wearing masks. I feel a little jealous. I was very sick to my stomach for a good part of my shift because of my mask. I've pretty much gotten used to the constant headache. But if they aren't going to wear masks, why should I? 

Ugh. I'm just so tired. I'm very irritable. I'm frowning more than I'm smiling. I've also noticed I'm jumpier than usual, too. I get startled at things that wouldn't normally bother me. Maybe its my nerves finally fraying. My mom is alittle concerned about me but I'm trying to suck it up. There are people out there who have it worse than me so why does it feel like I can't keep going? I just need to make it through this month, with the extra pay, and then I'm restricting my availability at work. This month couldn't be over sooner. 

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