Day Fifty-Five

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➛ May 4th, 2020

I got called into work. I seriously contemplated saying no. I had just woken up at 6:30am and I was still tired from the weekend. I eventually talked myself into because I needed the money. Plus, we're still getting $3 an hour raise until June. I didn't want to miss the chance. 

Yeah, I regretted answering the call in the moment I clocked in. It was insanely busy. Just like the weekend. My knees were killing me, there was no time to sit down and I couldn't even take my break. I was seconds away from sitting on the floor and crying. 

I also got my final grades for college and I really did cry that night. I was so upset. Online classes really messed up my semester. I definitely was not sitting on a 4.0 GPA. I had worked so hard and all my effort was thrown back into my face. God, could the last few days of my life get any worse? 

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