Day Eighty-Six

17 1 0

➛ June 4th, 2020

Okay, so for the past week, I've been watching Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix. I'm pretty addicted. I mean, it was my favorite childhood TV show until my parents got rid of cable. But, with me having no self-control when it comes to shows, I watch like a whole season a night. I'm getting close to the end of the show and I'm so nervous. I almost don't want to see the end. There have been meme's on Facebook about the end and its not helping me. 

Anyway, I messed with my filly again before the rain. It was a lovely evening. The rain was gentle, it was so very warm. The peepers were talking, the grass was vibrant green and a gorgeous sunset painted the sky. Once the fog moved in, I swear to god it became heaven on earth. I couldn't stop inhaling the lovely earthly smell. My soul felt absolute peace. 

Afterwards, I was with my mom when I got a call from work. They wanted me to work tomorrow. But, I refused. I felt really guilty about it but the month of May is over. I lost the extra $3 an hour, so I'm back to just barely minimum wage. I told myself I would only get all the hours I can for the extra money but now that its over, I'm going to focus on myself. I've let work run me into the ground for the past month but now I'm sticking to my usual hours (~32 hours a week). Yeah, I need the money, but I can't lose myself again. I now realize how important self-care is. 

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