Day Eighty-Three

13 1 0

➛ June 1st, 2020

I was informed by two of my friends that there is an active shooter in Buffalo, NY. They stole U-Haul vans and they driving the streets, shooting out of the back. We've gone from a pandemic to the purge. Its insane. I watched a video of a riot happening in a community only half-hour from mine. It wasn't as violent but there's no saying it won't escalate. 

One of the visiting nurses for my Grandmas said to stay away from a certain grocery store today because there are plans for a protest/riot there at 2pm. Its getting closer and closer to home. I'm frightened by it. Masses of people are capable of much destruction in their anger. If anything, the past three days have proven to be a nightmare come reality. I hope that this doesn't get worse, I hope the military can get this violence under control. I guess our president has abandoned us. The lights in the White House are completely out for the first time in history and our president was taken to a bunker somewhere. 

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