Day Seventy-Three

11 1 1

➛ May 22nd, 2020

Honestly, I feel like I'm just blabbing about work too much in this journal. I don't know, its just consuming my life. I promised myself I'd work all the hours I could this month but I just don't know. Anyway, work was beyond crazy. We filled 233 orders in 5 hours. A normal busy day would be 94 or 110 orders.

I just keep telling myself not to feel. If I don't feel, I'm okay. I don't think about how rude the customers are or how they treat me like dirt. I just don't care. Literally, my job is teaching me to unfeel. I guess I'm okay with it, as long as I can get through this weekend. 

After work, I had to feed my horses and I loved scratching their itchy spots. I wish I could ride more. I also have to trim their hooves soon and that's a lot of work all on its own. The flowers I bought for my room are coming into full bloom and they are gorgeous! 

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