Day Eighty-Four

10 1 0

➛ June 2nd, 2020

I woke up to thunderstorms and I absolutely loved it! Its been so long since there has been a good storm and I went out to sit on the porch even though it was like 7am. The lightning was really good. One of my dogs kept jumping into my lap because he's scared of thunder but he's a big dog so he suffocates me. 

I made coffee for the first time in what feels like forever. It was even better iced, I'm not a big fan of hot coffee. I spent the morning writing and taking care of my horses. Its just my two-year old filly and my halflinger pony at the barns right now, everyone else is out on 50+ acre pastures. I miss my gelding, though, he's my buddy. Anyway, it rained on and off today and I just chilled out. There's news floating around about the riots but I've been trying to tune out of it, its just putting alot of stress and anxiety into my life and I don't need that. 

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