Day Seventy

15 1 0

➛ May 19th, 2020

I didn't set my alarm the night before. If worked called at 4am, I didn't care. I was going to rest. And that's what I did, I actually slept through the night. I was out cold for 13 hours straight. I don't regret a single thing because it made me feel so much better. Best sleep of my life. Its what I really needed but my stress is still alittle high. 

I guess my body doesn't realize that I'm not at work, I don't have to deal with rude and angry customers. I think it will take a while for me to calm down, but I don't work until until Friday so I have three days. I'm not sure if I'll answer call-ins or let my body rest. I still don't have an appetite but hey, at least I can sleep for once. 

I spent the afternoon writing and then I went to ride my horses. They always make me feel better. I leaned into my horse's mane and wrapped my arms around his neck. His scent instantly calms me and he just let me hold onto him until I was ready to let go. Horses help bring me back to reality. They are the roots in my storm. I just need to slow down sometimes. I'm trying. 

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