Day Ten

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➛ March 21st, 2020

I had to call off work. I could barely talk and I knew I wasn't going to be able to work. I felt bad because I never called off work and I only ever did when I absolutely couldn't come in. This was one of those times, I guess. I just didn't like the idea of abandoning my coworkers but I tried to give them a heads-up so they could find someone to cover my shift. 

However, I was told I couldn't come back to work without a doctors note because even though I had the flu, COVID-19 supposedly had a lot of flu-like symptoms. This caused a lot of thoughts to race through my head. What if I had COVID-19 and I didn't know? I couldn't afford the testing cost, I didn't have insurance, but it instilled worry. How would I even know? 

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