Day Seventy-Four

10 1 0

➛ May 23rd, 2020

I was hoping for rain today. Maybe it would deter people from going places. I was wrong. Despite the rainy morning, people were still traveling. I got yelled at by this older man for not having the tea he liked. We've been running out of supplies left and right. Its not like its my fault. I don't control inventory. I just work there. 

After I got home, my Dad and brothers wanted to set posts in the ground. We've been building new cattle chutes. I was beyond exhausted. I feel like I'm getting run into the ground. I need a break but I doubt I'll get it. At this point, anything COVID-19 related is a thing of the past. Yes, its still an issue, but the news isn't consumed. Honestly, COVID-19 has been quiet lately. 

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