Day Seventeen

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➛ March 28th, 2020 

My alarm went off at 4:30am and I headed to work. I prayed that I would be safe. By going to work, I was not only putting my own health at risk but that of my entire family. It wasn't fun to deal with it mentally. I was stressed before I even clocked in. 

I discovered that a lot of my coworkers either quit or were on a two-week leave because of COVID-19. I could feel a lot of tension between my coworkers. I'm not sure if its just because of the change in schedule or the world pandemic. I didn't like to use that word, even if it were true, it made things seem like our new reality. 

Most of the customers were not practicing social distancing at all and alot of them were coughing. People have such poor hygiene, its disgusting. Seeing alittle of whats happening in the world for myself put things into perspective. Its no wonder the virus was spreading so quick. 

There are two kinds of people during this outbreak. The ones who are panicking and buying everything, and the ones who don't care at all. I heard several of the men say that if they get it, they get it. But, its the most selfish thing I've ever heard. Sure, you might survive, but what if you give it to someone who won't? 

We live in a selfish world. 

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