Day Twelve

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➛ March 23rd, 2020 

I leisurely attended my first Zoom class for Human Anatomy and Physiology. It was my best class, I was holding a 99.30% grade and I was proud as heck about it. My professor was just checking in with everybody at that point and asking about our health. I appreciated that. 

He advised that we stay inside. Well, he threatened to chase us down with his baseball bat if we were being stupid like the people in Florida. I guess those college students refused to listen because they wanted to party for Spring Break. Stupid, if you ask me. However, natural selection couldn't be more in season. Yeah, that's dark. Oh well. 

More counties in my state are being placed under stay-at-home orders. People can't leave their houses past 8pm. I was glad that I lived on a farm. Life hadn't really changed much for me. I was just home more. I knew that I wasn't going to be directly affected by the future of COVID-19 because I didn't live in town. 

Even if my county got a stay-at-home order, I wouldn't really notice. I mean, I've been home for an entire week now anyway. I also had well over three hundred acres to play on. My only concern was work. They were deemed an essential business that could continue to be open, so that meant I had to work when they scheduled me. 

New York City confirmed 21,000 cases of COVID-19, making it the largest outbreak yet. People were beginning to really panic. But, I'm baffled by the stupidity of this world. People have been panic buying toilet what the heck? Store shelves are stripped! 

What has this world come to? 

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