Day Six

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➛ March 17th, 2020 

I felt miserable when I woke up. I didn't really get alot of sleep last night, I was ridiculously restless again, so I rolled over and went back to sleep. There was no way I was getting up. My throat was worse, it felt like I could hardly breath without a spike of pain, and I felt drowsier than ever. 

At 11am, I wandered into the kitchen to grab some medicine. My head felt horrible, I felt like I could pass out at any given moment, and I knew I was really sick. But with what, I didn't know. I don't even remember how I got back to my room. My memory was fuzzing out.  

At times, I felt my Mom checking my temperature but I never really woke up. I wasn't running a fever but I got chills occasionally. I figured it was a pretty bad case of a twenty-four hour bug. However, my Mom did some research and based on my symptoms, I had the flu. Great, just great.  

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