Day Ninety-Five

9 1 0

➛ June 13th, 2020

I started work with a great attitude. I was determined to be upbeat and not let the customers bother me. I got through most of the shift that way...and then an hour before I could go home the whole kitchen went to hell. We got the first order of 17 whole subs and then the rest was just crashing and burning. Orders were in the red, running into 25 minutes, and the whole thing was a mess. 

It really drained me. I ended up staying overtime because we had to stock the kitchen. I couldn't just leave second shift without anything to deal with the chaos. When I finally got to clock out, I was dead. I went home, avoided everyone in the house, and then went to take care of the garden. I just didn't want to see any people and my family needs to understand that. 

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