Day Eighty-Five

13 1 0

➛ June 3rd, 2020

I'm into a morning routine. Which is weird because I usually never have a morning routine. I naturally wake up around 4 or 5 in the morning and then I write until 6. I go downstairs and do my skincare, then I grab my chilled coffee and respond to emails/messages. I've been pretty lazy in the mornings lately and feels amazing. 

This week feels like the longest week of my life. I feel like it should be Friday or Saturday already. I feel like everything is in slow motion and I'm just sitting in the haze, enjoying myself. I've been sitting on my porch more, enjoying the weather and I notice the nature more. In the evening, I got to work with planting my garden. Its pretty big and it took me three hours but I felt so accomplished afterwards. I've always enjoying gardening.

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