Day Forty-Five

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➛ April 24th, 2020

Officially my last day of college! I made it through my first year (I know, I already said that but I'm excited as heck) and I'm on the Dean's List! I honestly think I made the Chancellors List, if that still exists. I won't know until May 4th, though. I'm really hoping I made a 4.0 GPA. I worked really hard for it, maybe a little too much. 

I'm alittle sad that I can't celebrate this time with my friends. We're all just making our freshman year and we have to stay inside our houses. I want to go bowling or rollerskating. I want to get ice cream at dusk and watch the sunset. I want to watch Netflix with pizza and wings. But, I suppose, we can always celebrate later. I hope. 

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