Day Ninety

8 1 0

➛ June 8th, 2020

I had the day off from work. I was sure they would call me in but it never happened. I had my morning routine, which was rather lazy, and then I laid out in the sun. Probably not a smart idea but it wasn't even an hour and I was burnt everywhere. I even had sunburn on my butt and that's never happened before. My mom thought it was hilarious. 

In the evening, I watered the garden again. Its been crazy hot lately and the new plants aren't too happy about it. They need to have their roots established first before they brave the weather around here. I hope they make it. But, a red robin has been eating the tender lettuce plants. There was fifteen plants when I planted the garden and now there are three plants. I hung CD disks around the garden to try to ward the pesty bird off. 

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