Day Sixty-One

14 1 0

➛ May 10th, 2020

Exactly two years ago, I walked into my barn to meet a newborn horse. My little Dani was born at 7am and I can't believe the time has flown so fast! Its weird to think that she's two years old now! It seems like last week she was wobbling on long legs. Anyway, I bought flowers for my Mom for Mother's Day. I couldn't go anywhere else and Dollar General didn't have anything. I think she liked them enough. 

I kind of enjoyed work for once. It wasn't crazy and I wasn't too hot in my mask. When I got home, I received the news that my Grandma is coming to live with us. There have been some issues and long story short, we can't afford her nursing home and we have to bring her home. I'm not sure how to feel about it, to be honest. My Grandma and I have never really gotten along. Honestly, I've never had Grandparents in my life. I feel like times are changing. 

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