Day Seventy-Two

19 1 0

➛ May 21st, 2020

I suppose its just going to be a regular routine for my body to wake me up at 4am now. I mean, I enjoy the quiet mornings, but I also enjoy sleeping. Still, I got to work assembling my new windowsill shelves. I spent most of the morning doing it and since I was using a screw driver, my palms are really tender. I transplanted my flowers and succulents into their cute new pots. Now my room feels complete and I love it. 

I have to work tomorrow and I'm kinda wary about it. Its Memorial Day Weekend and its supposed to be a very nice weekend. I already know its going to be crazy busy. I already know I'm going to be stressed. But, I'm trying to keep a level head about it. I know alot of people won't be wearing masks because of the warm weather and that's already making me jealous. Sigh. Wish me luck. 

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