Day Seventy-Six

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➛ May 25th, 2020

I was on-call today for work but I didn't get called in. I went with my brother on his boat. It was a beautiful day and I broke out my summer clothes at last. I've always loved the water and spending the majority of the day on the water really gave my soul peace. The lake was far too cold to jump in but I wore my bikini anyway. 

We discovered new rocks to jump from in the water later in the summer and checked out little coves along the lake edge. It was alot of fun. We dodged some thunderstorms, I didn't think the day could get anymore perfect. I was perched on the bow almost the entire time. Around six o'clock at night, everyone was loading up their boats and going home, but we stayed out. The water became glass smooth and it was absolutely lovely. I felt free in that moment. Free of my stress, my worry and my work. Too bad it didn't last because all good things eventually come to an end. 

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