Day Ninety-One

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➛ June 9th, 2020

I woke up around 3am and I couldn't go back to sleep. My alarm went off at 4:30am and I started to get ready for work. I noticed low drifting fog in the valley and I took a moment to enjoy its beauty in the early morning light. It felt like I had extra time to sit and enjoy my breakfast, when I'm usually in a rush. 

It wasn't a bad day at work, for once. Despite how it was almost 90 degrees outside and perfectly sunny. I wanted to sunbathe after work but I was still pretty sunburnt so I didn't. Instead, I lathered myself in aloe vera when I got home and got to writing. My Dad got home an hour after I did and he wanted help planning out his next project and measuring the corners of the pen. 

Its officially been an entire year since I graduated highschool. Its so weird to think how things are different. I'm glad I'm not graduating this year, though. Anyway, I saw pictures of my bestfriend and I in our graduation gowns and then our prom dresses.... good memories. We had the time of our life. Soon, I'll be graduating college because time flies so fast anymore.  

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