Day Forty-Seven

18 2 1

➛ April 26th, 2020

My coworkers were telling me about a gardening ban. I guess people are buying up every plant they can get their hands on. I honestly thought they were joking, like a garden ban? What about the people who start plants from seeds? Is the Government going to stomp them in the ground? I mean, come on. 

Nonetheless, my Mom said its true. They are restricting plant sales. I guess we can't buy seeds now. I think its stupid. People are making things worse than they have to be. My family plants a large garden every year because we have a large family. Now we can't. 

On a brighter note, there is this older gentleman that comes in every sunday. I helped him order his food the first day he came in. He always shows up between 6:30 and 7. He looks for me now, he's even dubbed me the "magic finger girl" (because he doesn't understand the touch-screen order points). I'm happy to see him in the mornings. He's sweet and all he wants is a croissant and coffee. I'm pretty much being a waitress but I don't mind one bit. In a bitter world, kindness is well overdue.  

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