Day Seven

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➛ March 18th, 2020 

I felt better when I woke up, even though I didn't wake up until late morning. I slept forever when I was sick but if it helped me get better, I'd sleep as long as my body needed. I opened my University email to find new emails and information from my professors. I answered emails, took resource quizzes, and downloaded apps I would need for the rest of the semester. 

I even went to see my horses in the afternoon. They were so happy to see me. One of them laid their head on my shoulder, as if hugging me, and I laughed. I hadn't seen them for almost two weeks now. I saddled up and went for a quick ride. I didn't want to push my recovering body just yet, my leg muscle still hurt and I was alittle funny in the head from the medicine I had been doping up on. 

In all reality, I felt pretty good. Alittle stuffy in my sinuses but my sore throat was going away. I thought I was getting better and I was happy about it. I had plans for the extra week of Spring break, I didn't want to waste it being sick. 

I heard that they were shutting down down the borders of Canada. They were requesting that any residents of Canada that were traveling to return to their country immediately. I was beginning to get a little worried. It felt like they were shutting down the world. Everything was getting cancelled. Sports events, festivals, music events... the world felt like it was closed. 

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