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Marie: now we wait.
Ameera: bruh kairi's gonna whoop my ass

I say while putting my bra back on.
Marie laughs.

Marie: you'll be fineeee

She says while dragging out the "e"

Marie: we should go downstairs to see what they're doing.
Ameera: well i need a shirt.
Marie: you're fine.
Ameera: bruh im insecure
Marie: you're beautiful just come on.
Ameera: fine. if Kairi says something its on you.

Marie gets outta bed and opens the door. I follow her out and we walk downstairs. Marie looks around the corner in the kitchen and looks back at me.

Marie: they're not the-

We suddenly hear talking from upstairs.

Ameera: they're in his room dumbass.
Marie: oops

Marie goes back stairs and i follow her. She peeks in Kairi's room.

Marie: hi kairiii.
Kairi: what you want
Marie: can we sit in here with you guys and chill
Kairi: idc

Marie walks inside and i follow her inside.
I look at the tv the guys were playing in the ps4.
I walk to sit on the couch on the side of the room and i catch mar trying to hide a smile from me.
I sit down on the couch with Marie and quickly check my phone. I go on snapchat and she looks at my phone. He opened my snap 29 secs sgo.
Marie whispers.

Marie: he opened it!!
Ameera: shhh.

I look up and see all the boys look at me. Including Kairi.
Mattia shakes his head side to side and goes on his phone.
I get a noti from mattia and it says:

"we all know what you did. You lucky we aint mad. Especially Kairi. dont let josie find out.".- mattia

"why aren't you guys stopping me if he's dsting Josie?" - Ameera

"we hate her." - mattia

i show Marie the text and she smiles and winks at mattia and the boys while josie's on her phone.
I see mariano and samy get up from their spot and open the door.

Alvaro: y'all heading off?
Samy: nah we going to the bathroom.

Alejandro laughs and so does Alvaro.

Alejandro: y'all two are wild.
samy: yes they are.
All the boys except for Mariano: samy!
Mariano: samy?

Samy looks at Mariano.

Mariano: shut the fuck up alright?
Samy: ok

Marie smiles.

Mariano and Samy both leave the room closing the door.

Josie: imma go with them.

All the boys get up and tackle her

All the boys: NO

Josie: what? why not?

Alejandro: cause. no.

Marie and I giggle.

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