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Mateo started driving off and had the radio blasting.

I had my legs turned to the window and i was looking out the window.

I decided to sit straight and have my legs straight but then Mateo put his hand on my thigh.

I look at him and look at his hand. I grab his hand and put it away.

Mateo: w-were here.

I quickly got out and walked to his door. He followed and unlocked it.

I opened the door and walked inside.

ameera: what time is it?

mateo: pretty late. about 1 in the morning.

I walked upstairs to his room and waited for him to come upstairs.

He finally arrived upstairs and looked at me.

Ameera: well where is it?

Mateo: oh um in my closet. In that green basket.

He said taking off his shirt. I ignored it and walked to the closet.

There was no green basket.

Ameera: mateo?

mateo: hm?

Ameera: i dont see it.

Mateo: ameera

he chuckled.

mateo: you haven't get the idea by now? im saving you from a murderer

Ameera: wha- what?

Mateo: come on lets watch a movie.

Ameera: mateo are you fucking dumb.

Mateo: what

Ameera: ykw i am leaving.

i said reaching for the door but he quickly ran to me.

mateo: what? why?

Ameera: cause i wanna go home!

mateo: stop raising your voice. my parents are asleep.

ameera: i dont fucking care move.

i said opening the door and storming out.
Mateo ran after me making me fall. I fell facing the ceiling and mateo fell on me.

Mateo: come on ameera. let's live this position again.

Ameera: mateo move.

i got up and walked out the door. I slammed the door to wake up his parents. That time he didnt follow. I skated home crying.

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