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i walked and saw these two boys. Santiago walked kaylee and i into the hallway.

santiago: this is Mariano and Samy.

The one who was hispanic with curly hair caught my eye real quick.

I think the chinese one cuaght kaylee' eye cause she couldn't close her mouth. I silently laughed and made eye contact with the hispanic one as he sat down.

santiago: why don't you guys go upstairs in mar room and chill while Adam and i have a smoke?

Samy: bet

The chinese one which im guessing was samy lead us upstairs. Kaylee and Samy were in front while mariano and i were in the back. But he wasn't too close. He was on his phone. Wonder what was distracting him.

We reached the top of the stairs and walked in mariano's room. Mariano flopped on the bed at his pillow. He was still on his phone. I sat in front of him on the long side of the bed. Samy closed the door and laid back on it.

He walked to a draw by the bed and grabbed something out of it. It looked like weed. He turned off the lights and closed the curtains.

He sat beside mariano and they had their own conversation.

Kaylee and I sat there not knowing what to do.

Kaylee: what are we supposed to do?

Samy: just chill. We wont be busy for long. heard we have some work to do today. dont get comfortable.

Nova: work? what kinda of work?

Samy: idfk

I looked at samy and then at mar.

I looked down at his pants whcih showed his bulge. It was big. I looked back at him and he was looking at me. He looked back at his phone.

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