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(a little smut? idfk)

Marie: hey Ameera
Ameera: wassup?
Marie: earlier i heard samy and mariano talking about you.

Marie says while whispering.
I look at Marie puzzled.

Ameera: what did they say?
Marie: Mariano was all like...

Marie starts talking inna deep voice.

"nah man imma talk to her when we go to the mall."

Marie: and Samy was like

"aight bro dont fuck this up."

I giggle at Marie's impression and so does she.

Samy pulls up at the mall. Marie and I stumble out the car to go to PINK while the boys are laughing.


Marie and I run into pink straight to the sale section.

Marie: omgg

I look outside the store and I peek Samy and Mariano rubbing the back of their necks not knowing what to do. I laugh and tap Marie. I point at the boys and she laughs.

Marie: you know you two can come in right?
Samy: oh yea heh we know.

Ameera: well come in.
Samy: nah we good.

Marie: omg samy.

Marie and I run to the boys and drag them inside. Marie and Samy go their separate way and so do Mariano and I.
Mariano sighs.

Mariano: can we talk

I look at him and face him.

Ameera: yea?
Mariano: im sorry for storming off the other night. I don't know what i was doing. I just-

Ameera: its okay mariano. I'm just glad you're talking to me again. Now..help me find out what to buy.

Mariano laughs and chooses a black lace-

Mariano laughs and chooses a black lace-

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Mariano: go try it on mamas.

I quickly got 🦋 in my stomach from "mamas". I walked to the fitting room dragging Mariano behind me. I sit him by the door that was connected to the fitting room i was going to.

Ameera: stay here, alright?
Mariano: ight.

I close the door and began to undress. I then put on the lace he picked out and check out myself in the mirror.
I turned around facing the door and opened it. He looked at my body and came in immediately closing the door behind him.

Mariano: woah.

I look at him in the mirror and frown.

Ameera: what ? is it ugly? omg
Mariano: no its perfect.
Ameera: oh.

I turn around facing him. I look at him in the eyes but he's not making eye contact. Instead he's looking in the mirror at my ass.
I chuckle and grab his chin to look at me.

Ameera: mar.
Mariano: hm?

He licked his lips and I started to get more 🦋. He looks down at something but I continue to him in the eyes.

Mariano: so uh..you gone help me with this?
Ameera: hm?

He points down at something and I look down at it to see he has a boner. My eyes widen and I look back at him.

Ameera: i did that?
Mariano: you always do.

His arms snake around my waist and i lean in to kiss him. He doesn't pull back. I reach my hand down to his boner and i palm it. He digs his head in my neck and grunts. I slowly sqaut down to his dick and stare at it for a while. It was just poking through there. I pull his pants down and grab it out his boxers. It was huge. I groped his dick and kitty licked the top. I put the top in my mouth and began sucking lower. I could hear his breathing getting louder and he starting moaning. I started to put the whole thing in my mouth and bobbed my head.

Mariano: shit Ameera.

I deepthroated him and gagged on his dick. Mariano moaned and grabbed a handful of hair and pushed himself in deeper. No cap he was good asf. I gagged.

Mariano: fuck meera. I'm gonna cum.

Before i knew it he cummed in my mouth. I swallowed his kids and he pulled his dick away.

Mariano: get changed ma.

He slapped my ass.
I wiped my mouth while he fixed himself and left.
I smiled and started to undress.

I finally finished putting back on my clothes and fixed my hair. I unlocked the door and went to Marie who was looking at bras. Mariano was with Samy and they were already walking out the store to footlocker.

Marie: how was it?
Ameera: how was what?
Marie: dont play dumb. Samy and I heard you gagging and mar was like "fuck ameera im gonna cu-

I covered her mouth cause there was eyes on us.

I turn red and look at Samy.

Ameera: it was good. Now lets go.

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