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(you know where that chapter led to☝🏼)

i walked out the bathroom with guilt.

Samy looked at me and shook his head in disbelief.

I walked downstairs and outside to the backyard. I took out my phone and facetimed meera.

she answered a few seconds later. She was happy.

Ameera: Hey baby.

i didn't have my face in the camera cause i had been crying for a while after nova and i fucked.

mar: hey.

Ameera: why aren't you showing your face?.

I fixed the phone and turned it to the forehead.

mar: i gotta tell you something.

Ameera: what is it?

I paused for a bit.

Ameera: mar what is it.

Mar: i cheated on you.

Meera didn't say anything for a while.

Ameera: you what?

I looked down at the grass knowing she was trying to hold her tears back.

mar: im sorry

Ameera:.....with who?

Mar: i have new members in my gang. and fucked one of them.

she quickly looked in the camera.
she hung up.

I stroked my eyebrow and stared at the phone. Suddenly someone came outside.

Santiago: Mariano you guys can go home.

Mar: what about-

Santiago: it was the wrong person.

Mar: oh...ok well-

Santiago: so..you cheated on ameera?

I quickly looked at him.

Mar: yeah ..

he squeezed my shoulder hard.

Santiago: im disappointed in you son. Go home.

he walked inside slamming the door. I looked back at the phone and texted ameera but it said...

blocked bitch😗

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