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Mar furrowed his brows and turned back around. i turned around to ignoring the lady and the boys were still laughing.

Ameera: Marie come on lets go get our food.

Marie got up faster than ever and so did i but mar pulled me back down. I looked at him.

Mar: woah woah where u goin

Ameera: to get my food ill be right back.

I got up and he groaned. the boys were STILL on the floor laughing.

Marie and I walked to dairy queen ad grabbed our bag from the counter. We were walking back to the table until i got tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around and there was the same old man. Marie turned around and gasped.

I screamed snd punched the man. He fell down. I covered my mouth in shock and watched him hold his big ass nose.

Marie: Ameera come on let's go

marie pulled me back to the table.

marie: yo ameeera just punched that old man!

alejandro: where!?

mar quickly got up and looked at the man who was on the floor.

Mar turned to the lady behind him.

mar: ur boyfriend just got punched him the nose go get him.

Mar grabbed me by my waist and we all walked out with our food. We walked to the car laughing and laughing.

Mar and I were holding hands again. We all got in the car and Mattia drove home.

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