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- 6:25 pm

Everyone in front of us had got their nachos now it was time for marie and i

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Everyone in front of us had got their nachos now it was time for marie and i. We walked up to the counter on the stall and ordered.

Marie: regular please.

Ameera: regular.

She person nodded and went to the back. Marie and I waited and talked.

Marie: feeling better?

I slightly laughed.

Ameera: im not gonna get over it for a while. Not like that. You feeling better?

Marie: yeah im okay. I feel like samy and i weren't the best for each other.

Ameera: what? why?

Marie: i lost feelings for him and i was trying to figure out when would be the best time to tell him. Now i don't have to

Ameera: oh.

She looked at me and looked around.

person: excuse me?

I look at the person behind marie and it was someone who was behind us in line. Marie turned around and backed up.

person: your food is ready right there.

The person pointed at the counter.
Marie and i looked at it.

Ameera: shit we're sorry.

The person laughed.

person: you're okay. I like yall's outfits.

We grabbed our nachos.

Ameera: thank you.

The person looked familiar.

Ameera: do i know you?

Adelaide: yes you do.

Ameera: i do?

Adelaide: we met at the mall. In rolled up. Im Adelaide.

Ameera: ohhh Adelaide! I remember you!

i said laughing.

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