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- Mar's pov
- 7:27
- Friday

I woke up with meera in my arms. she was just watching tv.

She looked at me and i looked at her.

meera: goodmorning bub.

mar: morning.

she put her lips out for a kiss and i kissed her.

Mar: how long you been up?

i said sitting up and taking off my shirt leaving my hair messy asl. I laid back down as she said..

meera: i didnt go to sleep.

Mar: why?

i said laying back down w her like this..

i said laying back down w her like this

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meera: I wasn't sleepy.

Mar: i bet. you was sleep for like a day.

meera: can we have a picnic today?

mar: of course.

she said running her fingers through my hair. Suddenly someone came in.
We both looked at the door and it was samy and marie. Samy came in and flopped on the bed facing us while marie came and sat in front of him looking at us also.

samy: we all should do sum today.

Marie: yeah like a couple thing-

mar: well meera and i were gonna have a picnic today. you two can tag along?

samy: bet.. what time?

I looked at meera and she looked at me from playing with my tattoo.

Meera: hm?

mar: what time we going ?

meera: like 2 pm..no wait actually i wanna go to a outdoor movie theatre

marie: ooh we should do that!

Sany: that sounds good.

Mar: well what movie are we watching

marie laughs.

Marie: the outsiders.

samy: we can just watch that inside then.

meera: no i wanna do it outside.

Samy: well if we do that can we go in our backyard and set it up? mar and i can go out and buy a projector.

neera: okay lets do that.

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