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Mateo: talk when you're ready.

I continued to cry in his black polo shirt.

the girl: so im not here anymore?
Mateo: can't you see she's hurting?

the girl: who even is that?
Mateo: my ex slash bestfriend.

the girl: and the fact that I'm your actual girlfriend is messed up
Mateo: just stop talking rn.

After he said that i pulled away.

ameera: im sorry. i didnt know you two were dating.
Mateo: stop meera. u shouldn't have to apologize. she just has a bad attitude.

the girl: she has a nickname? Mateo all you call me is danielle.. Not even dani or anything.

I looked at the girl and she looked like this.

I looked at the girl and she looked like this

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Ameera: im sorry.
Mateo: you okay meera?

Ameera: i guess.
Mateo: wanna talk about it?

Ameera: not really..
Mateo: okay. where's Marie?

Ameera: shes the reason why im crying.
Mateo: wtf did she do to you? I never trusted her. what did she do.

Ameera: stop mateo. I'm okay.
Mateo: you sure?

Ameera: no but I'll be okay.
Mateo: okay..

Mateo hugs me again but tighter. He had his arms around my neck and i had my face buried in his chest while my arms were around his waist.

dani: helloo?

I pulled away and looked him in the eyes.

Ameera: thank a lot Mateo.
Mateo: your welcome. if you need me im always there ameera. i can't stand to see you cry.

dani: and all you do when i cry is laugh.

Ameera: thank mateo. love you but i gotta go.

He smiled.

mateo: ok. love you too bye.

dani: what the fuck mateo.

I smiled at him and ran outside. I don't know how imma fucking get home but i guess ill walk. its like right beaide the mall. I need to stop by the gas station first. I need heartbreak snacks.

This shit aint fun. Man..i didnt even get to buy those shirts. i dropped them all and ran out.

I walked to the gas station that was across the street. I looked down while walking because thats what i always do idfky.

I sighed, wiped my tears, and walked inside.

I walked straight to the chips aisle and went to the candy and drinks aisle after.

I bought these ..

I bought these

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(lol its differents sizes sorry

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(lol its differents sizes sorry.)

I went to the cashier and payed.

cashier: are you okay there?

I looked at the cashier who looked like a woman and a man the same time.

Ameera: oh heh yea..

She/he stopped in their tracks and looked at me.

Cashier: whats wrong hunny. u look like you've been crying.

Ameera: i think my bestfriend is messing with..with um..

Cashier: with who?

Ameera: never mind..ill just go.

Cashier: mm..okay.

The cashier continues swiping my shit and puts it in the bag. she/he hands it to me and smiles.

I smile back and walk out. i start walking to my house.

srry rlly short chapter. 496 words.

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