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I had already put on my clothes but it wasn't much.

I put on mar's gray hoodie and some black leggings.

He worn a black polo shirt and black ripped pants.

I put my hood up and put on some black tennis shoes.

We walked dollar tree and he held my hand cause he knew how i was feeling.

We walked to one of the aisles (idk) and picked up one of the tests.

We walked to the check out thingy and payed.

I walked upstairs with mar nervous as fuck. I didn't wanna be a fucking mom. I wasn't ready. If i DO have a baby i don't want it around this gang shit. I also don't want its father to be a gang leader. Plus what's Kai gonna say??

Mar came behind me.

Mar: its gonna be ok. Just know that if you are pregnant ill be with you the whole time.

Ameera: mar im so fucking scared im not ready

I said tearing up looking up at him. He hugged me and kissed my forehead.

Mar: it'll be okay i promise. I'm not ready either but we will get through this together.

He looked at me and held my hand.

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at the box. I swear im finna abort this dumbass baby I swearr😭

Mar sat down on the bed and pulled me to him. He hugged me again but longer this time. I cried a little.

mar: you ready?

Ameera: no

He pulled back out of the hug and looked at me.

Mar: babe you gotta take it to get your results. we need to know asap.

Ameera: i know im just really scared..

i looked at the box crying.

Mar: babe i got you... I love you.

I looked at him and cried more.

Ameera: i love you too.

Mar: ready?

i nodded and went in the bathroom.


ameera walked in the bathroom and closed the door. yes I was scared and didnt want the baby to grow up with gang shit but i don't know. I'd love to have a baby with ameera shes fucking great. we had rough times but i still love her.

i looked at the door with my hand on my chin waiting on her. I had to be calm cause I didn't wanna show i was scared as her. I had to keep her calm. I knew she was going through a lot with mateo dead and her parents dead.

It took a few minutes before ameera was done.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. wtf am i gonna tell my father? i can't raise a baby if imma be a gang leader if a few months.
Or i can just drop out the gang-

Ameera: babe!

I quickly stood up and walked to the door. She sounded scared. I opened the door and saw her standing a few steps behind the counter.

Mar: you done?

she nodded looking at me with her hair now in a high messy bun.

i went inside and she hugged me. I looked at it and it was faced down.

mar: just tell me when you're ready.

she pulled away and grabbed the test facing it downwards.

She slowly turned it upwards and i looked over her shoulder to see.

It was...

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