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i sat there staring at the door. i looked at Alvaro.

alavaro: oops

Kairi: nah aint no oops why did you cheat on Mar? Isn't he a good boyfriend?

Mattia: fr like mar is the softest person i know. He always talked about you and when we were on a errand yesterday he was like "man i miss my girl" and you do this?

Roshaun: ahn ahn babygirl you unclaimed

Ameera: oh my god

Alejandro: the fact that you let the dude fuck you and you have a whole boyfriend.

Ameera: i wasn't thinking okay ?

Alejandro: nah man. Ameera ily but you fucked up big time. I pretty sure mar aint joking. He's finna KILL mateo.

Kairi: you really cheated on him. You never cheated on someone in your whole life ameera thats messed up

Ameera: okay all of you shut the fuck up. im gonna fix this.

Roshaun: hes outside.

i ran to the door and opened it. There was mar. Laying against the brick wall on the side. Samy on the other.

samy: here's the cheater.

Mar: what do you want?

Ameera: samy can you give us some privacy please.

samy doesn't reply but he goes inside.

I walk to mar and he backs up a little.

Ameera: mar.

Mar: no. bullshit. i dont even wanna look at you. i expected so much more from you. You fr let another-

A tear came from his left eye as he was talking. He put his head on the wall looking at the gray sky. It was about to rain.

Mar: why did you do it? was i not good enough? is he better than me?

Ameera: no-

Mar: and you lied to me. Twice. twice Ameera. for what?

ameera: i didn't wanna hurt you!

Mar: ok but when were you gonna tell me?

Ameera: ...

i looked down starting to cry.


Ameera: i didnt wanna hurt you!

mar: i wouldn't have been this mad if you actually sat with me and told me but you chose to lie to my face twice..try to hide a hickey..and you weren't gonna tell me? how does that sound to you?


mar: hello?

ameera: i- i dont know what to say.

i said crying my eyes out watching him.

mar: what if i told you i fucked another girl while we were dating?

ameera: did you?

Mar: FUCK no because im not a fucking cheater or a liar!

Ameera: im sorry.

Mar: stop saying sorry. its too fucking late for that.

i couldn't do anything. i didnt know what to say. he just kept yelling and yelling. Bet you 3837 dollars everyone in the house is listening on the other side of that door tho.

Ameera: i wont do it again i promise.

mar: you wonder why i didnt say i loved you back. would i be wrong if I broke up w you rn?

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