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Mar answers his phone. He looks at me and goes outside. He mouths "I'll be back"

I nodded as he left. I turned back on my phone with heart pounding of what santiago was gonna say.

I was watching all kinds of vids until someone interrupted me.

danny: excuse me?

I looked up and it was danny the waiter.

I looked up and it was danny the waiter

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Danny: here's your food.

He sat down the big plate of nachos on the table.

Ameera: thank you.

I looked at him and looked at the nachos.

Danny sat down in front of me. I looked at him slightly irritated.

Ameera: what are you doing?

Danny: can i have your number?

Ameera: i have a boy-

Danny: i just wanna be friends.

Ameera: I can't.

Danny: why not?

Ameera: cause he doesn't like you.

Danny: he doesn't have to.

Ameera: you should go before he comes back.

Danny: can i please get your number?

Ameera: im sorry no.

i looked behind me to see if mar was coming. He wasn't. He needs to hurry up.

Danny: we can just be friends. I just looking for a friend.

Ameera: you looked at my tits and winked at me.

Danny: well it was just a joke.

Ameera: can you go?

Danny: why?

Ameera: because you're getting annoying.

Danny: oh im-

?: Danny? are you bothering the customers?

Danny and I looked up. It was a older man.
Im guessing the Manager?

Manager: get back to work.

Danny gets up and leave.

Manager: im sorry about that. He's too friendly sometimes.

Ameera: ita okay. thank you.

Manager: yep

The manager left and i started eating.

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