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I looked at him and smiled. I put my hand on my neck and choked myself.

roshaum: yall are weird as fuck

Roshaun says walking pass.

The house was decorated with tons of things. Now all we needed was for Mattia to come. Kairi and Alejandro had drove to his house to get him.

Meanwhile i was in the kitchen sitting red cups everywhere.

Mar: im sleepy

Ameera: still?

Mar: nah im just tryna fuck

Ameera: oh my god mar.

Mar: what? i got a boner. i need you lips around it

Ameera: mattia's gonna be here soon we can't.

Mar: just real quick it won't take long.

I looked around and everyone else was in the living room. I squatted down in front of him and grabbed his dick out of his pants and kissed his tip. He looked around for anyone and looked back at me.

I licked his slit and took it in my mouth.
I heard him moan under his breath.

I bobbed my head slowly and spit on it. I took it in my mouth again and bobbed faster.

Mar cussed under his breath.

I started making sounds and getting into it. Mar grabbed my a handful of my hair and pushed himself farther.

I made a gagging sound every time he did and he came in my mouth.

mar: mmm.

Mar made me look up at him. I stuck my tongue out and swallowed it.

mar: good girl.

He stood up and he smacked my ass as i walled away into the bathroom.

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